Rita Guedes

Computational Medicinal Chemistry

We design and apply protocols and computational algorithms to gain insight into biological and chemical systems with pharmacological importance and use this knowledge to rationally design and repurpose new potential therapeutic agents that can contribute to the treatment of human diseases. We use a vast range of methods, such as virtual screening, docking, homology and pharmacophore modeling, molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, cheminformatics and machine learning.

Rita Guedes

Group Leader

Email: rguedes@ff.ulisboa.pt

Phone: (+351) 217946400 (Ext. 14378)

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Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa | Av. Professor Gama Pinto
1649-003 Lisboa | Portugal

Phone | +351 217 946 400
Fax | +351 217 946 470
Web | www.imed.ulisboa.pt
Email | imed.ulisboa@ff.ulisboa.pt
