Cecília Rodrigues

Cell Function and Therapeutic Targeting

We investigate novel mechanism-based molecular targets to inform drug discovery and biomarker development in inflammation, degenerative and oncogenic diseases. We specifically address cell signalling and the crosstalk with metabolism and interorgan communication, integrating cellular and molecular technologies with multiple preclinical and patient-derived models and samples to facilitate the translation from bench to bedside.



Our expertise is the identification of novel mechanism-based molecular targets to inform drug discovery and biomarker development in inflammatory, degenerative and oncogenic processes, where disease diagnosis and treatment remain unmet medical needs.


We integrate cellular and molecular technologies (cell/tissue profiling, genetic/drug screening) with multiple translational preclinical models (genetic, dietary, pharmacologic), patient-derived models and patient samples (tissues and fluids) for the identification of novel therapeutic targets, diagnostic/prognostic tools and therapies. We further address the crosstalk with metabolic networks and pathways and the role of interorgan communication.


Our experimental approach bridges laboratory research and pre-clinical development to accelerate the field and facilitate the translation from bench to bedside. Pioneer studies in bile acid-related research have already developed promising small molecule modulators of cell death/survival, protected by global patents and explored by spin-offs, which are currently in clinical trials worldwide. Our goals are pursued within areas of translational discovery in metabolic and oncogenic diseases and in emerging technologies.

Afonso MB, Rodrigues PM, Mateus-Pinheiro M, Simão AL, Gaspar MM, Majdi A, Arretxe E, Alonso C, Santos-Laso A, Jimenez-Agüero R, Eizaguirre E, Bujanda L, Pareja MJ, Banales JM, Ratziu V, Gautheron J, Castro RE, Rodrigues CMP. RIPK3 acts as a lipid metabolism regulator contributing to inflammation and carcinogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut 2020. Dec 24: gutjnl-2020-321767. DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-321767.
Santos AS, Afonso MB, Ramiro RS, Pires D, Pimentel M, Castro RE, Rodrigues CMP. Host miRNA-21 promotes liver disease by targeting small intestinal Lactobacillus. Gut Microbes 2020; 12: 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2020.1840766
Majdi A, Aoudjehane L, Ratziu V, Islam T, Afonso MB, Conti F, Mestiri T, Lagouge M, Foufelle F, Ballenghien F, Ledent T, Moldes M, Cadoret A, Fouassier L, Delaunay J-L, Aït-Slimane T, Courtois G, Fève B, Scatton O, Prip-Buus C, Rodrigues CMP, Housset C, Gautheron J. Inhibition of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 improves experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2020; 72: 627-635. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.11.008
Dionísio PA, Oliveira SR, Gama MJ, Castro-Caldas M, Amaral JD, Rodrigues CMP. Ablation of RIP3 protects from dopaminergic neurodegeneration in experimental Parkinson’s disease. Cell Death Dis 2019; 10: 840. doi.org/10.1038/s41419-019-2078-z
Rosa AI, Duarte-Silva S, Silva-Fernandes A, Nunes MJ, Carvalho AN, Rodrigues E, Gama MJ, Rodrigues CMP, Maciel P, Castro-Caldas M. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid improves motor symptoms in a mouse model of Parkinson's Disease. Mol Neurobiol 2018; 55: 9139-9155.

Cecília Rodrigues

Group Leader

Email: cmprodrigues@ff.ulisboa.pt

Phone: (+351) 217946490 (Ext. 14517)

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Web | www.imed.ulisboa.pt
Email | imed.ulisboa@ff.ulisboa.pt
