
PhD Training

The PhD in Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon has been accredited since 2008 by the evaluation agency in Portugal A3ES. This cycle of studies is based on five FCT-funded PhD Programmes, of which one, the PhD Programme in Medicines and Pharmaceutical Innovation – i3DU, is led by iMed.ULisboa and involves other national R&D Units, Universities and pharma/biotechs. Four other FCT programmes are promoted by iMed.ULisboa: Medicinal Chemistry – MedChemTrainMedical Biochemistry and Biophysics – M2B-PhD; Integrative Neuroscience of the University of Lisbon – NeurULisboaAdvanced Integrated Microsystems – AIM. iMed.ULisboa has recently expanded training capabilities through full involvement in scientific training programs such as H2020 Marie Curie European Training Networks, pan-European IMI education and training programmes in safety sciences for medicines (SafeSciMet), and medicines development (PharmaTrain), and the Paul Ehrich Medicinal Chemistry European PhD Network. On average, 20 students conclude the PhD in Pharmacy every year; however, this number is on the rise, reflecting the implementation of FCT-funded PhD Programmes in 2015. The employability is 100%, with postgraduates in Pharmacy distributed between academia (75%), pharma/biotech (23%), and regulatory affairs (2%). Many are now leaders in national and international academia and industry.

Master Training

imed hosts master students from Master Programmes at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon and from outside to conduct thesis projects within our research groups.

Post-doctoral Training

imed nurtures training and leadership roles among our Post-doctoral fellows towards successful scientific careers.

Together with Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, imed enables early career scientists to flourish independently and gives opportunity to the most talented scientists to strive as academic leaders. In addition to the training programmes, we often promote internal funding schemes for young investigator projects of cross-disciplinary studies to encourage collaborative efforts across traditional boundaries, with a view to adding value to their existing activities and fostering independent and productive research careers.

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Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa | Av. Professor Gama Pinto
1649-003 Lisboa | Portugal

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