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Vanessa Mateus

Associate Member
Short bio & current area(s) of interest
Vanessa Mateus is a Professor of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at the Department of Therapy and Rehabilitation of the Lisbon School of Health Technology –Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ESTeSL-IPL) in Portugal. Director of Pharmacy Course at ESTeSL-IPL, lecturing several units, such as Introduction to Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacotherapy I, II and III. She also teaches at the Masters in Pharmacy with units like Immunopharmacology, Psychopharmacology and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Pharmacotherapy. With a background in experimental models of disease, mainly on animal models of local and systemic inflammation (acute and chronic colitis, cancer-associated colitis), she is currently the PI of several funding projects at H&TRC and is also associated member in iMed.ULisboa, with areas of research interest focusing on Non-Clinical Pharmacology/Pharmacodynamics. Have published over 15 full papers in international peer-reviewed journals, over 40 communications in national and international congresses and acts as reviewer of international peer-reviewed journals in the area of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy.

BSc (2005) in Pharmacy, Lisbon School of Health Technology – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

MSc (2011) in Pharmaceutical Care, Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Lisbon, Portugal

PhD (2016) in Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Lisbon, Portugal

Adjunt Professor of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at the Lisbon School of Health Technology – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

Director of Pharmacy Course at the Lisbon School of Health Technology – Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

Member of Coordination Board of Health and Technology Research Center, H&TRC, Lisbon, Portugal

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1649-003 Lisboa | Portugal

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Email | imed.ulisboa@ff.ulisboa.pt
