Tarja Malm is a Full (tenured) Professor in Molecular Neurobiology at A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland. She is the head of the Neuroinflammation Research Group focused on the understanding of glial functions and the interplay between peripheral inflammation and neuroinflammation for the development of therapeutics for stroke, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease.
The lab uses human-based models (iPSCs-derived microglia, imunocompetent organoids and live brain tissue biopsies), as well as APP/PS1 and 5xFAD AD mice. She is PI (Horizon 2020: JPND-Cofund “ADAIR” and JPND-Cofund “ORGATHERAPY”), coordinator of ERANET Neuron project MINERVA and JPND-Cofund REBALANCE and ERC Consolidator Grant for AD Research. She has >120 publications (h=35). She is a team member in our project ANIMATE from FCT, closely collaborating in the generation of microglia from AD patient somatic cells and in testing exosome distribution in the 5xFAD mice.
MSc (2002) in Applied Biotechnology, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kuopion kampus, Finland
PhD (2006) in Neurobiology, Itä-Suomen yliopisto A I Virtanen -instituutti, Finland
Dora Brites
Neuroinflammation, Signaling and Neuroregeneration