
Margarida Silva

Principal Investigator
Short bio & current area(s) of interest
Margarida´s research has provided multiple evidence on the mechanisms of acid drug-induced effects in mitochondrial bioenergetics, for translational studies and for the improvement of therapeutic intervention in relevant diseases. Currently, she investigates the regulatory role of signaling metabolites in enzyme activity, their modulation through epigenetic drugs (with anti-cancer properties) and mechanisms of pathogenesis, mainly at the liver-brain axis. She focuses on assessing the role of metabolome on intracellular communication, using metabolite-targeted mass spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS/MS) for analyses of biomarkers in biological samples or subcellular organelles and for the understanding of protein function, metabolic fluxes and mitochondrial flexibility.

BSc (1987) in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Clinical & Chemical Analyses), University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.

BSc (1992) in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Hospital Pharmacy), University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.

PhD (2002) in Biochemistry (Pharmacy), University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.

She is currently an Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.

PI, imed / Group MetGenPro, Lisboa, Portugal

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