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Vanda Andrade

Short bio & current area(s) of interest
The areas of interest of Vanda Lopes de Andrade are the control of the exposure to toxic chemicals, mainly metals, and their effects on the general population an in occupational contexts. In this perspective, their fields of research include the assessment of levels of toxics in foods, and the bio monitorization of general and working populations using biomarkers of exposure and/or effect. The search of novel approaches integrating biomarkers is another relevant area for her.

BSc (1992) in Biology, Faculty of Sciences from Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal

MSc (1998) in Conservation of Animal Diversity, Faculty of Sciences from Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal

PhD (2014) in Pharmacy/Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy from Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal

Invited Adjunct Professor, Santarém Agrarian Superior School, Polytechnical Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal

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