January 3, 2021

Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – 4th Edition

iMed.ULisboa welcomes candidates of merit to the Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support 4th Edition launched by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) in the following main scientific areas: Medical and Health Sciences (Basic medicine, Medical biotechnology, and Health sciences), Engineering and Technology (Medical engineering, Nano-technology), and Natural Sciences (Chemical sciences, Biological sciences).

The present FCT call is aimed at providing individual support for contracting researchers holding a PhD degree in any scientific area. The profile of the candidates should correspond to highly motivated scientists seeking to develop, carry out and coordinate research in Portuguese research units – host institutions.

The host institutions eligible for this call are the research units financed by FCT, I.P. or, whenever they do not constitute a legal entity with the capacity to sign a contract with FCT, their legal hosting institution, which might include all public or private institutions that have R&D activities as their main objective, including higher education institutions, state laboratories and international laboratories located in Portugal, research institutions, associated laboratories and collaborative laboratories.

The research contracts to be funded under this call consider four levels, corresponding to different career stages:

Junior Researcher: PhD holders for 5 or less years, with limited experience in post-doctoral research or without a scientific curriculum after their PhDs in the scientific area to which they are applying;

Assistant Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, but with limited scientific independence;

Principal Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, demonstrating scientific independence for the past 3 years;

Coordinating Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, holding the title of habilitado ou agregado in Portugal, with a curriculum of elevated merit in the scientific area to which they are applying, showing scientific independence and with evidence of leadership in the scientific area to which they are applying.

Applicants should send their pre-proposals, comprising a short CV / Bio-sketch (up to 3 pages) and a 1-page summary of the research plan, including a rigorous selection of the main activities to be developed, the expected results and the clear identification of a mission and scientific challenges, no later than 12 February 2021, to imed.ulisboa@ff.ulisboa.pt. We will inform the candidates on the acceptance by iMed.ULisboa by 15 February 2021.

 Deadline of FCT call: 26 February 2021

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Web | www.imed.ulisboa.pt
Email | imed.ulisboa@ff.ulisboa.pt
